News & Events
How to Choose Electric Scooter Tires?

How to choose electric scooter tires? How many types of the tire? When choosing an electric scooter, the first things that people look for are how fast it can go and how far you can go before it needs to be recharged. Have you ever thought about this? Without the right tires, your riding experience could be a nightmare.

For Industry News
India ’s biggest e-scooter firm calls for end to gasoline vehicles

India’s shift to electric vehicles had been hampered by high prices and limited charging infrastructure to end sales of gasoline-powered two wheeler by 2027 to speed up a switch to clean vehicles that has fallen behind other countries like China.

Segroll Riding Solutions
Electric Scooters: An Ecological Impact That’s Still Unkown

This debate of what’s the more ecological means of transport has been very controversial, especially with the recent growth of the global electric cars’ market share. Some accuse electric cars of being actually more polluting than the conventional fossil-fuel-powered cars, securing their arguments in the production.

For Industry News
Sustainable Mobility: Are Electric Scooters Eco-Friendly?

Are electric scooter eco-friendly? What is the environmental impact of electric scooters compared to other means of transport? Can they be part of a sistainable transportation system? let`s take a look at what recent studies say.

For Industry News
The Environmental Impact Of Electric Scooters

For electric scooters, it’s a bit like electric vehicles. In the production phase, we must take into account all the energy consumed to extract raw materials, transform them, assemble them… This stage is important for all electronic devices because it is where the battery (that’s very polluting) is